Saturday, January 28, 2012

Heya I'm back

I had my reasons for nuking my blog. But according to some fellow classmates, it's smarter to have around.

I really need help on this one. I've stalled at this one point and want some advice from anyone that is willing to speak up.

Here is the image.

Here's the updated image:

I might be posting another update within the weekend. It's due on tues. Thanks in advance for your help.


  1. I would start pushing the colors a bit more. Start using some more cool colors in the shadows as well as some signs to make the area look a bit more alive. As of now, its looking good but feels a bit lifeless. But it would help if you explained a bit more about what the building is suppose to be.

  2. Heya thanks for the crit, I tried making the warm vs cool tones more noticeable. I might need some advice on how to make a city more life-like.

    The city is sort of an old versus new type of place, making futuristic version of (downtown) Port Royale. Before you see the docking bay.
